Transcription Jobs


Saturday, May 24, 2008

Media Transcription

We are pioneers and experts in supporting Television Media Production companies , Documentary producers, independent Content producers, Media consultants and numerous associated Media professionals in their Transcription needs. Our vast experience gained over customer projects is evident in our satisfied customer feedbacks.B-Roll is an extra footage that can be used to illustrate the main story-line. Example: If a person is talking about a new school, the B-roll will include video of the new school. Most of the Television documentary and reality shows require transcription of the extra footage with simple narration. This will give good reading experience to the story readers. We are specialists in B-Roll transcription and we consistently attempt to identify each person speaking and transcribe brief descriptions of what is happening. The descriptions are general and it gives the reader of the transcript an idea of what is happening. We handle variety of Standard Tapes, Micro cassettes, MiniDVs, and VHS. We are experts in converting all types of non digital source audio/video into digital. Converted digital files are then sent for transcription. Extra charges are applicable for non digital to digital conversion.Unless until specified, we follow the below standard notations and document rules:

? We transcribe verbatim. We type whatever heard including umms.. ahhs and pauses

? Doubtful words will be marked (?) in the beginning and end part of the doubtful sentence

? Times New Roman will be used as standard font

? One to one interviews transcribed as question and answer format without identifying names

? Indiscernible parts of audio are marked as (Indiscernible) in the transcript.

? Time coding/Stamping done only upon request.

? Nouns and Proper Nouns will be transcribed to the best of judgment, it is denoted by first letter in capital

? We follow standard US spelling and style.

Transcription Services Business Transcription Conference Call Transcription Court Proceeding Transcription Deposition Transcription Dissertation Transcription Educational Transcription Focus Group Transcription Footage Transcription General Transcription Insurance Transcription Interview Transcription Job Transcription Lecture Transcription Legal Transcription Media Transcription Medical Transcription Music Transcription Orthographic Transcription Podcast Transcription Real-Estate Transcription Research Transcription Script Transcription Seminar Transcription Technical Transcription Telephone Transcription Thesis Transcription

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